On May 13, 2024, the City of Hattiesburg announced it had received a $2.2m grant to create the Gordons Creek Trail from Buschman St. to the Leaf River in further enhancement of the Pine Belt Blueways, created for canoers and kayakers in South Mississippi. The trail will include paved trails, lighting, Native American art, educational spaces a pedestrian bridge, connection to Chain Park and the Longleaf Trace and an overlook for the Leaf River.
Below is a video of the full press conference conducted by Hattiesburg Mayor, Toby Barker along with Drawings of the planned trail. I know this is a month old, but many of you may not have heard about it yet and may have an interest in it.
This project, along with new landings in the works for the Glendale landing on the Bouie River and the Sims Road Landing on the Leaf River are just a few of the projects Seven Rivers Canoe Club is working on in conjunction with the Piney Woods Conservation Group and various government and private entities.